. Royal Docks public realm

. 147 _ Royal Docks Public Realm

Map illustrating Olympic and Paralympic routes study.
Olympic routes study.

The practice was commissioned to undertake a series of design studies for the Royal Docks which have subsequently been incorporated into the planning framework documents published jointly by the London Borough of Newham, the London Development Agency and Design for London. Areas of study included improvements to the local movement infrastructure network, in particular the areas around Connaught bridge, the western end of Victoria Dock, and links through to the Lower Lea and North Woolwich.

A public realm materials and elements design guide was also prepared. This has been endorsed by the Newham Design Review Panel to act as a design guide for new public realm projects across the Royal Docks as a whole. Design reviews were undertaken for the public realm elements of four live development projects: Barrier Park East (housing); the Siemens Landmark site; the new Thames Cable Car crossing; and the hotel sites adjacent to Royal Victoria DLR station.

project type: public realm strategy | client: London Development Agency | date: 2010-2011 | status: complete
Sample pages from the materials and elements palette.
Materials and elements palette, sample pages.
Sample pages from the materials and elements palette.
Materials and elements palette, sample pages.
Seating design guidance.
Seating designs.
Detailed timber seating design.
Timber seating, construction drawing.
Timber seating installed at Barrier Park.
Timber seating installed at Barrier Park.